What goes around comes around, it seems. A kid doesn't have to walk in order to have a stubborn streak but it sure doesn't help matters either. Karalyn definitely has my temper and hard-headedness. She will absolutely not give in to anything or anybody. I've never seen anything like it. Karl just laughs. "I have," he says. "She's just like you."
Today I bought a glass canning jar and a heavy bag of medium-sized, twinkly, mulit-colored "stones." The teachers at CCLC suggested I try this. I call it Karalyn's Goody Jar. It's a reward system. For each good behavior, Karalyn will have the privilege of putting a colored stone in her jar. When the jar is filled up she can have a treat. I haven't decided what treat yet, but something she likes. Maybe more playdoh. I just showed her the jar and stones. She was in a bad mood. She didn't respond. *sigh* No stones in the jar yet.
Sarah and Tara are going to implement this reward system in the classroom too, so the whole concept will be reinforced by them as well. I'm hoping Karalyn will catch on soon. I'm looking forward to her putting lots of stones in her Goody Jar.
1 comment:
That's a good idea. Jackson would likely just get angry that he couldn't dump the stones out and put them back in eleventy-billion times...or so. :)
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