Monday, January 28, 2008

No Will!

Every morning it's the same routine at daycare drop-off: Karalyn sees Mr. Will at school and before he even takes a step towards her she says, "No Will!" She doesn't share the doll babies and instead holds them close.

The teachers say all the kids are going through a phase where they say "no" to the little guy but it makes me cringe that Karalyn says it while Will's parents are there.

Why Will? Why the no? I feel bad. It reminds me that kids can be cruel, even when they don't mean it. It reminds me of days long ago when I sat on the school jungle gyms by myself because I was told "no." And here's my own daughter doing it!

Having a kid sometimes makes me relive my own childhood and it can be painful. I guess teaching Karalyn to be a nice kid is my way of soothing all the little hurts that I encountered growing up.


Allison said...

It should make you feel a little better to know that, when I dropped Jackson off this morning, Karalyn walked up to him and insisted on sharing a book with him. She was very persistent and very sweet to share! :)

Tabitha said...

I cringe when Erik rejects all of his little "girlfriends" when they are all trying to make him feel at home during drop off. Such a sweet gesture and to get rejected, that's cruel!

Princess Karalyn walks up to Erik last Thursday to share her doll with him in an attempt to make him feel better. He rejected the doll. This morning Karalyn wanted to play "Carpet Sliding" with Erik and handed him his very own but Erik just wails.

Kelly held Erik's hands and gently rubbed his forehead when he was nursing last Thursday (Yes my almost 2-year-old still nurses, that's a different post).

Little Miss Audrey shares one of the 'pop-up toys' with Erik and her big smile but he rejects her. SIGH!

Kristy said...

Audrey is also trying to police Will (and anyone else for that matter) these days. I have the same reaction Lynette (I cringe), but it soothes me to see how Will takes it all. Totally in stride. Sometimes he looks momentarily mystified, but that expression is soon replaced with a mischevious grin as he turns and goes back to whatever it was he was doing.

I have a friend that had 3 children. The daughter was always trying to police her two brothers and my friend used to say to her everytime "Mackenzie, you are not the mother. I am. Leave the minding to me!" Maybe I'll start using this on Audrey now so it will sink in for later.