Thursday, October 9, 2008


Has anybody assigned "chores" to their Two- or 3-years old yet? Just curious as I came across a posting on Parent Center in their "Teaching Values" section.

According to the article:

"Children need chores. Helping out around the house teaches social and family responsibility. It gives your child a sense of accomplishment and pride and helps her learn practical skills...."

"Two-, 3-, and 4-year-olds love to be helpers. Harnessing this natural impulse makes starting chores easy...."

For Erik, we've been slowly assigning him "chores" such as putting his clothes into his own hamper but sometimes he loves to use that IKEA hamper and pretend he's a Jellyfish, thanks to Nemo, and demands that we "bounce" on him like Marlin and Dory. We've also seen Erik taken an interest in setting the table up for meals, which he did so ON HIS OWN, to our surprise on evening, but we haven't asked him to do it as a routine...but probably will now :o) hahaha!

The site also listed out some age-appropriate task examples such as (read more here):

At 2, your child should be able to:
  • Place dirty clothes in a hamper

  • Put a dirty diaper in the bin

  • Pick up toys after playing with them

  • Place napkins on the table

  • Sort lights and darks for the laundry

  • At 3, your child should be able to:
  • Sort socks by color or possibly match them

  • Water a plant

  • Feed a pet

  • Clean up her own spills

  • Get her own simple snack ready

  • Remove her own dish from the table

  • Help wash a car